This project developed a framework for discretization that is capable of describing any particular doubly curved surfaces with a multilayer paneling tensile system. The first prototype of this software was built in 2013 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This piece was constructed with over 1500 completely unique pieces.

![grasshopper instalation 2C [Converted].png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/615c9b91d9fa5f2a5e24f718/aaa4ab88-3b3c-4088-b59b-2b4f023d9d80/grasshopper+instalation+2C+%5BConverted%5D.png)

Project Data
Title- Discretize
Date- 2013
Medium- PVC Board
Dimensions- 14’ x 6’ x 6’
Client/ Reference- UPRRP SOA
Photography Credit- n/a
Team- Sixto Cordero, Beatriz Hernandez, Carlos Perez