The Konokono Vaccination and Educational Center in Turkana Kenya is a unique structure that services the community in this very remote region where the closest airport is 7 hours away by car. The structure provides a communal space protected from the hot sun in the middle of the Kenyan desert where missionaries can provide vaccination and alphabetization courses for grownups.
Project Data
Title- Konokono
Date- 2014
Medium- Corrugated Metal, Scaffolding,
Dimensions- 700 sqft
Client/ Reference- Missionary Community of St Paul the Apostle
Photography Credit- Iwan Baan
Team- Sixto Cordero, Karen Kitayama, Austin Smith, Julian Ocampo, Anastasia Hiller, Sayjel Patel, Tyler Stevermer, Tyler Crain, Beomki Lee, Suk Lee,